More Indians Are Overworked

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 17 November 2011, 00:43 IST   |    12 Comments
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More than 45 percent of employees in India usually work for nine to eleven hours a day, and this percentage is more when it is compared to that of global workers, because only 38 percent of global workers work for long hours when compared to Indian workers. Besides 10 percent Indian workers work more than eleven hours a day.

The survey also recorded that the remote and the mobile workers in India are the workers who work for long hours in a day. However, the remote workers are the one who are more productive and they have a higher job satisfaction with lower stress levels. These workers manage their time more independently and they will be more committed to their work.

This culture of overworking hours in India came into existence by the IT Industries. This culture has made the young Indians to work for more hours in a day. Many of the workers are being exploited by overworking in spite the fact that they are paid good money.