Meet the Young Indians in the Forbes '30 under 30' List

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 22 December 2011, 02:18 IST
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Bangalore: Forbes “30 under 30” report is comprised of exceptional minds in the twelve fields of Art&Design, Energy, Food&Wine , Law&Policy ,Real Estate, Science, Entertainment, Finance, Media, Music, Social&  Mobile , and Technology. The most recent 30 in 30, however, has done us proud with 9 Indians standing out in domains they ventured into.

Param  Jaggi

The youngest among the Indians on Forbes list, this 17 year olds project on an Algae-based car exhaust “Carbon Eater” flashed one day to him while he was behind the wheel. This Green Gadget, has gained Param “EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) award for the year 2011”



Vivek  Nair Sahadevan - Damascus Fortune (CEO)

This 23 year old Singapore based entrepreneur who doesn’t consider Industrial smokes as waste but as a raw material for the production of nanotubes ,optics and Energy storage devices has his long term goal intact. Vivek intends to improvise this process and implement it in cars and other products which creates pollution in turn to reduce the global warming.



Nikhil Arora - Co-Founder of Back To The Roots(BTTR)

With a motto of bringing sustainable living into homes Nikhil with Alejandro Velez founded ‘Back to the Roots’ in 2009 and in a span of 2 years find themselves in ‘30 in 30’ list. Nikhil, a graduate from the field of political science mastered the art of growing mushrooms from recycled coffee grounds.

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