Maharashtra Tops in Child Murders

Further, a total of 1,514 cases of murder of children including infanticides were reported in the country against 1,508 cases in 2010. Uttar Pradesh reported the highest number of such cases accounting for 22.9 percent of total cases reported in the country. Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep and Puducherry did not report any case of child murder in 2011.

The report also revealed that the incidence of Murder (34,305) increased by 2.9 percent as compared to the previous year 2010 (33,335 cases). The highest incidence (4,951) of Murder, accounting for 14.4 percent of total cases was reported from Uttar Pradesh. Bihar has reported 3,198 cases accounting for 9.3 percent of total Murder cases. The crime rate was highest in Meghalaya (5.7) followed by Jhakhand (5.3) as compared to the National average rate of 2.8.

The highest incidence of Kidnapping & Abduction was also reported from Uttar Pradesh (8,500 cases) accounting for 19.0 percent of the total cases reported in the country.

The share of female victims (736) of Culpable Homicide not amounting to Murder was noted to be 18.9 percent of the total 3,899 victims during the year 2011. The victims in the age group 18-30 years and 30-50 years accounted for 46.6 percent and 35.7 percent respectively of total victims under Culpable Homicide not amounting to murder.