It's a New Job Market, Do You Carry an Irrelevant Resume?

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 13 October 2011, 00:32 IST   |    1 Comments
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The skills taught in business schools and universities are no longer movable, and quickly lose their value. Through outsourcing, it has become much easier and less risky for companies to borrow talent for a defined period of time, rather than taking the burden of growing employment costs. Suggested are a few tips to reflect upon on how to keep your resume relevant in your search for career stability, advancement and new opportunities as you handle the changing field. Equipped with these new approaches to your career and your current job, you increase your relevance, portability and personal employee brand. 1.Cling to your Immigrant values
Immigrant values
Search for and grab opportunities that were previously unseen, by being your actual self in the workplace.