Is Your Manager Flexible?

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 13 October 2011, 23:49 IST   |    10 Comments
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Harbir Singh, Vice Dean (global initiatives), at The Wharton School, told to Samidha Sharma and Hemali Chhapia, what he feels about Indian managers, reports TOI. According to him with the number of Indian managers growing because of sheer demographics and the life experiences, Indians are better suited to go up the ranks of the corporate ladder. Comparing Indian managers with their global counterparts, he mentioned that Indian managers are typically more adaptable in nature which is largely to do with the environment that they come from. Their struggle with infrastructural challenges, Indian managers struggle with everyday's issue, and this sort of conditions becomes a real asset for them.
indian managers
The different work conditions in Indian work culture compel Indian managers to adapt themselves to any difficult conditions. Their horizons broaden as they come across different situations and scenarios. Hence they become most adaptable managers.