Is Indian Education System ''Inherently Perverse''?

What’s more shameful is that this is worse than under the imperialists. At least, in their days, there were world-class discoveries from India, by C V Raman, J C Bose and Srinivasa Ramanujan to name a few.

The second structural problem is that the middle classes take up most of the State’s spending on education. All of East Asia, however, has invested the majority of its funds in primary education, thus driving up the level not only of basic literacy but functional literacy which in turn translates to being able to perform tasks such as reading manuals and carrying out the work accordingly. This has resulted in the rise of manufacturing in East Asia as they have created factory labor.

In India, the only comparable achievement has been the creation of employees in the IT and ITES sectors which do not account to more than a few percent of the workforce. These too are low-creativity, repetitive work which probably explains why there is high rate of attrition in these fields.

There is simply no room for creativity or quality research. All original ideas have to invariable be first approved by the director or department head; anybody who chooses to veer away from group thinking will find himself on the street, blackballed and unemployable.