Is College A Big Waste Of Time?

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 17 October 2011, 23:00 IST   |    26 Comments
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Michael Ellsberg, author of the new book The Education of Millionaires, argues that many young people would be better off skipping college altogether and going into business for themselves. He says "for the typical kid who isn't really sure what they want to do, and who just wants a general introduction to becoming an adult, $50,000 a year is a very expensive price to pay for that." He also mentioned that his own degree from Brown University proved useless in the real world.
college degree
In fact he says his experience there made him a worse writer. He also argues that it's not a good idea to pay tens of thousands of dollars in tuition, and says studies showing that unemployment rates are much higher for those without a college degree are misleading. However, Ellsberg urges people to educate themselves to learn how to market themselves. He acknowledges that in certain training-intense fields, such as medicine or law, a college degree is necessary, but for many young people, who plan to go into the business, art, or technology, there are better and cheaper ways to learn the necessary skills.