Is Anna Hazare Above Parliament?

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 12 October 2011, 23:12 IST   |    73 Comments
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Some feel that Kejriwal has simply said something that is very much obvious. Parliament is one of the wings of the government that carries out important duties including framing of laws. Democracy dictates that citizens decide who enters Parliament. Parliament has to act in accordance with Citizens' wishes. There are others who feel that Kejriwal overstepped the line, and is challenging the view that Parliament is supreme as far as making laws is concerned. Can citizens overrule the decisions of Members of Parliament they themselves elected? The Constitution Preamble clearly states that the constitution has been enacted and created by 'the people of India', and Indian people are citizens of the Indian republic. Parliament may be a part of the constitutional structure, but it is very much answerable to the people of India. This removes some of the confusions arising from Kejriwal's statement.