India's Happiest Cities: Jaipur Tops, Ahmedabad Least

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 23 November 2011, 01:18 IST   |    3 Comments
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2. Mumbai Next comes in the list is Mumbai with 96 percent of the population saying that they are happy. Mumbai, the commercial capital of India, is one of the world's top ten trade centres. Well known for its interesting and high standard of living, Mumbai offers numerous employment opportunities. The city furnishes 25 percent of industrial output and 70 percent of capital transactions to the country's economy. This metropolitan is *the 26th fastest* growing city in India and the world's 108th fastest growing urban centre. The city details for about 1 percent of the total population in India; however, it has a per capita income which is almost three times that of India. It accounts for 14 percent of India's income tax collections and 37 percent of the corporate tax collections in the country. Many corporates and multinational companies have their headquarters in the city which attracts migrants from all over the country. Mumbai is docked with significant financial institutions like the Reserve Bank of India, Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange of India.