Indians Prefer Abroad Vacations Despite Rupee Downfall

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 16 December 2011, 01:26 IST   |    1 Comments
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Among those interviewed for the survey, 59 percent said they took at least three domestic leisure trips this year and 64 percent said they went for at least one international holiday. "The outlook for 2012 seems even more promising for travel with 53 percent claiming they will travel more in the coming year," said Nikhil.

Further, the survey highlighted that 79 percent of the respondents opined that while on vacation next year in 2012, they will put conscious stress to remain less connected to their respective work. The report said, although ipads/tablets have made recent entry in the market, the average Indian prefers to pack a laptop as a travel gadget to avail the related information on the go. ipads/tablets are preferred next followed by Blackberry in the third place.

Beaches and hills have forever remained as hot favorites amongst Indians. But the report demonstrated that adventure holidays are also gaining limelight, as 72 percent tourists on their holiday in 2012, plan to experience some kind of adventure activity or sport. Camping emerged as the most preferred adventure activity amid Indians, as 28 percent respondent said that they would prefer to camp in the wild. The other adventurous activities that came in the most preferred list were scuba diving (20 percent), followed by hiking (18 percent) and white water rafting (17 percent). 74 percent of the respondents said they will purchase travel insurance in 2012, out of which 58 percent will acquire it only for travel abroad.

Majority of Indians prefer environment-friendly holidays, as 65 percent of those surveyed said that they will avoid littering, 55 per cent affirmed to reduce laundry usage and 42 percent said that they would opt for an eco-friendly accommodation.