Indians Lack Sense of Belonging towards Their Cities

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 25 January 2012, 01:13 IST   |    7 Comments
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The findings also revealed that 64 percent said they would not get involved in their city’s civic activities with only a 36 percent saying they would get involved. The reasons quoted for this non-involvement in the civic activities were lack of time and a feeling that city officials are corrupt. 65 percent people said that lack of time was the main reason while 45 percent felt that their involvement was not necessary. 27 percent people said that civic agencies were corrupt and 19 percent felt that civic agencies discouraged public participation. It was also seen that time pressure was a key barrier to higher involvement with community activities. 4 out of 10 in Bangalore and Delhi felt that the civic agencies were corrupt.

Another interesting finding was that majority respondents felt that major metros should become city states and have their own Chief Ministers. Based on the same when the people were asked whether they thought most of the corporators or councilors were dishonest it was seen that 42 percent people said that some of them were dishonest, 35 percent said that they believed that most of the corporators were dishonest and 19 percent said that all councilors were dishonest. Only 4 percent people felt that none of them were dishonest.

On the other hand, 61 percent of the people agreed to the suggestion of turning Metropolitan cities into city states like New Delhi and have their own Chief Ministers. Nevertheless, when asked if people would vote to elect their councilor or ward representative, 87 percent said they would.