Indian Cos Most Optimistic on Hiring Among 41 Countries

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 15 December 2011, 00:38 IST   |    3 Comments
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Further, the study listed the strongest hiring intentions of other countries namely Brazil, Taiwan, Panama and Turkey. On the other hand, the weakest hiring intentions were demonstrated by the countries like Greece, Hungary and Italy, where a greater percentage of employers are planning layoffs. Despite positive employment anticipated in 13 out of 22 countries surveyed across Europe and the Middle East, net employment perspective are weaker from three months ago in 17 countries and 11 compared to this time last year.

"Indian jobseekers should see hiring activity rebound in the first quarter, as GDP growth continues. This is becoming increasingly difficult as India's national workforce struggles to keep pace with demand for these technology roles," Jeffrey A. Joerres, Chairman and CEO of ManpowerGroup said. "Meanwhile, employer hiring expectations drop across all Chinese industry sectors compared to three months ago and this time last year, but despite the slowdown job seekers with relevant skills should still find plenty of opportunities. In Japan, as the country gradually recovers from the 11 March natural disaster, the labor market continues to strengthen with the strongest job prospects found in the Mining and Construction sector. However, the talent mismatch remains a serious concern for job seekers and employers alike in the Tohoku area."