Indian among Facebook Fellowship Winners of 2012-2013

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 21 February 2012, 23:48 IST   |    2 Comments
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Jeremy Andrus
Area of Focus: Mobile Computing
Jeremy’s aim is to unify the virtualization of multiple devices so that in carrying one single device, you carry the functionalities of many. Facebook’s page dedicated to the Fellows said “His work will help facilitate the next generation of mobile virtual appliances, open up new opportunities for mobile cloud-based applications and services, and clear our cluttered pockets of excess devices.” He is doing his PhD student in Computer software at the Columbia University.


Mosharaf Chowdhury
Area of Focus:
Computer Networking and Cloud Computing
Mosharaf hopes to highlight the need for the datacenter network to become a premium resource in cloud computing environments. His research introduces the idea of using application-aware network primitives to make datacenter networks more efficient, predictable, and easier to share across multiple platforms. Mosharaf is a Graduate Research Assistant at the University of California, and was an undergrad at the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.