India To Witness a 'Dalal Street' Movement?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 18 October 2011, 22:39 IST   |    6 Comments
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What is the situation in India? India on the other hand has not felt the contagion of financial problems. Capitalism seems to be doing well here with an impressive annual growth rate of around 8percent, but are common people really benefited? The problem of inequality has remained, and seems to rise with the corporate culture. The income disparity between the poor and the rich has only grown in the last decade. So, is capitalism a problem, or the unhealthy system that it has woven itself in? Protests in advanced capitalist countries like America seem to point to certain faults in the system. Unemployment in America has touched 10percent, highest in last 60 years. India may not be experiencing the complete cracks of the system, as it is still a developing economy, but it is already affected by some faults like inequality.