Impact of Big Data on Decision Making: Report

"The exploitation of Big Data fuels a step change in the quality of business decision-making," said Paul Nannetti, Global Sales and Portfolio Director, Capgemini. "But it's not only through harnessing the many new sources of data that organizations can obtain competitive advantage. It's the ability to quickly and efficiently analyze that data to optimize processes and decision making in real time , that adds the greatest value. In this way, genuinely data-driven companies are able to monitor customer behaviors and market conditions with greater certainty, and react with speed and effectiveness to differentiate from competition."

An important challenge for companies wanting to make the most of Big Data is the barrier of organizational silos (56 per cent). The shift from departmental to business process silos is preventing the sharing and integration of data and a holistic overview of data management. Perhaps however the most challenging issue is the shortage of talent claimed by half (51 per cent) of respondents. The gap between the demand and supply of qualified data analysts was perceived highest for retail and consumer goods companies. Two-thirds of respondents from these sectors cite access to talent as the toughest obstacle to data-driven decision making.

Responding to the growing importance and challenges associated with Big Data, Capgemini's Business Information Management Global Service Line has invested in a broad portfolio of Business Analytics solutions and services, including a pragmatic business-driven approach to Big Data and objective advisory on the key technology options for customers. Capgemini offers industry-focused analytical solutions for Telecommunications, Utilities and Financial Services plus nine distinct domain-specific Business Analytics solutions: Customer Analytics; Marketing Analytics; Predictive Asset Maintenance; Enterprise Performance; Social Insight into Action; Advanced Planning & Scheduling; Risk Management; Fraud Analysis; and CFO Analytics.