How to Create a Personal Brand in the Corporate Culture

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 23 December 2011, 02:15 IST   |    10 Comments
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2. Participating in Business Meetings: To achieve success, it is very crucial for every employee to participate in business meetings. Do not forget to render your valuable thoughts and Ideas in the meetings, which apart from creating a personal brand, will also help you to gain limelight within the corporation, your boss will surely note this and may consider your promotion. Likewise you should also participate in the business events by volunteering in projects or by delivering a good speech which will also enable you to constitute a personal brand.

3. Dress up properly: Remember to add some good formal clothes in your wardrobe. If you don’t have some proper office formals, do shop for it immediately. Your dressing sense matters a lot to create a proper branding for yourself in the organization. Often it is seen that good appearance creates a great impact on people and can also boost your confidence. Reshuffle your wardrobe occasionally. If you feel a particular office wear of yours has faded or the stitches have come out, do not wear it to your office. Likewise do give emphasis on your formal hairstyling and accessories. It is very important to dress up professionally in a business organization.