How I Got My Name

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Kolkata and Bangalore based data visualization component for generating dynamic Flash and JavaScript charts was co-founded in 2002 by Pallav Nadhani and Kisor Badhani. While in high school, Pallav was looking for a way to make more pocket money and observed that the existing charts (Excel charts) were boring and came across with the concept to make Flash charts, which would be animated and interactive. “FusionCharts is the ‘fusion’ of three different technologies and hence the name,” says Pallav Nadhani, Co-Founder and CEO, FusionCharts. Now the company used Flash and JavaScript to work across PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones and many other mobile devices. It also works with XML and JSON data and can be integrated with any server-side technology. It offers more than 90 different charts types, with multiple features and has over 19,000 customers and 400,000 users in 100 countries, including many of the Fortune 500 companies.