Hisar Listens to Anna, Time for Anna to Enter Politics?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 18 October 2011, 05:14 IST   |    62 Comments
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Should Team Anna have waited until the winter session of the parliament when the congress party has promised to bring a stronger version of Lokpal Bill? Team Anna's decision to campaign against the congress party in Hisar and in UP is viewed as a prejudgment of the expected Lokpal Bill and an electoral attempt against a single party is termed a foul move. This decision has also dented the credibility of the movement, left its supports confused, and divided its own core team. A prominent member of the team Santosh Hedge had publicly questioned this move and it has been reported that others like Prashant Bhushan were against it. It was also surprising that Team Anna did not make Khadakwasla, Maharasthra or Koppal in Karnataka its testing ground. The questions is heard from every corners that with his enormous goodwill and the support of the large mass who are sick of corruption and unholy politics, is it not time for Anna Hazare to get into politics? With the general elections due in 2014, Team Anna's political stand is defiantly going to make an impact, but what surety Anna can give to the people that an alternative political formation such as the BJP-led NDA coming to power, will do wonders to change the system?