Higher the Qualification, Harder It Is To Get A Job

The survey also revealed that socially disadvantaged groups like scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward classes have lower unemployment than others. At the aggregate level, unemployment among SCs was 3.2 percent, for STs it was 2.7 percent and for OBCs it was 3.2 percent as compared to 5.4 percent for "others".

However this appears to be a result of lower education levels among backward groups, since at the higher end of the education scale, there is higher unemployment among backward castes than for others. Among SCs, graduate unemployment was recorded to be 11.3 percent and post-graduate unemployment 12.7 percent, while for others, the corresponding figures were 9 and 9.7 percent respectively. Across social groups, graduate unemployment among women was seen to be above 25 percent.

Other findings from the survey were that female Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) was significantly lower as compared to male LFPR. Nationally, the female LFPR was estimated to be 25.4 percent as compared to 77.4 percent in male category.

But in spite of relatively low LFPR, the unemployment rate was significantly higher among females as compared to males. At all India level, the female unemployment rate was recorded to be 6.9 percent whereas for males, the unemployment rate was 2.9 percent.

The female unemployment rate is estimated to be 12.5 percent in urban areas and 5.6 percent in rural areas in the country. While, similar rates of unemployment for males work out to be 3.4 percent in urban areas and 2.7 percent in rural areas.