High Gen-Y Turnout: Who is to be Blamed?

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 25 November 2011, 02:33 IST   |    3 Comments
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It is said that staying in the same company for long gives you a better growth opportunity. But this statement has its flip side as well. Growth completely depends on culture and value of career and professional development. Opportunities knock their doors who are actively interested in advancing their career and knowledge. Marketing yourself, especially in a static and senior demographic rich work environment can work in your favor.

The high turnover of its youngest employees alarmed Deloitte, and therefore, they went ahead with a survey which brought many reasons into light regarding this trend. The survey reveals that job hopping is something the employees are bound to do when they see no other choice. The recruiting team in Deloitte has created programs that help the organization focus on the next career move of the employees. They feel the best favor done to a restless employee is to make him work on different spots. This will reduce the stress for employees of shifting jobs and will save $150,000 of the company.

Gen Y does not go with old values related to workplace. What motivates today’s generation the most is “friendship”.  They choose specific jobs just to be around their friends. Volunteering among benefits is valued the most by Generation Y. Opportunities to volunteer are expected by more than half of the employees in workplace these days, Deloitte finds. Salesforce.com pays the employees 1 percent of their work time for volunteering. Programs like this taken up by the companies increase the ability to recruit and retain employees.

The most essential thing for the employer is to understand the Gen-Y. Workers above 30 should try and adapt the values and demands of their new colleagues, as they are going to be bosses soon. If you stick to same company, factors like relationship-building, retention incentives if available, and an increased likelihood for progressive types of work are sure to be enjoyed.