Has Team Anna Lost Its Way?

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 21 October 2011, 08:11 IST   |    32 Comments
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Signs of possible cracks in the team first spotted were during Anna's indefinite fast at the Ramlila Maidan in Delhi. Video footage of one of its initial members and a well-known civil activist Swami Agnivesh was leaked in which he was allegedly heard talking over the phone to someone called Kapilji, said to be a strong critic of the movement Kapil Sibal, asking for strict actions on the stubborn ways of the movement's functions. The Team later decided to disassociate with Swami Agnivesh completely.
Later the statement from Magsaysay Award winner and Anna Hazare's chief lieutenant Arvind Kejriwal that Anna Hazare was above Parliament initiated a hot political debate. The ruling government as well as some political observers viewed this comment as contrary to every constitutional principle. Prime Minister responded to this by saying, "I am not aware of any constitutional philosophy or principle that allows anyone to question the sole prerogative of Parliament to make a law." Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said, "the way the civil society movement is continuing in the country, it gives the impression that the leaders have become legislators." One of team's prominent public faces, senior lawyer Prashant Bhushan's continuance in the team remains to be an issue hard nut to crack for the team as his call for a plebiscite on Kashmir has created ripples within the movement. Hinting an end of his close association with the Supreme Court layer, Anna Hazare has made it clear that Bhushan?s continuation in the team would be reconsidered. Anna went on to blog that he is even willing to fight against for Kashmir as against those who merely talk.