Happy Birthday Windows: 27 Amazing Facts Of 27 Years

After this success, Allen and Gates co-founded Microsoft. Gross income of the young company was $1 million in 1975. Allen named the company Micro-Soft which stood for microcomputer and software, and later when company went international, Gates took off the ‘hyphen’ and the company then became “Microsoft”.  

Windows 1.0 was not a complete operating system, but rather an "operating environment" that extended MS-DOS, and shared the latter's inherent flaws and problems, and was not a big hit.

This version included simple programs like, graphics painter like Windows Paint; Windows Write, a simple word processor; an appointment "calendar"; a "card-filer"; a "notepad"; a "clock"; a "control panel"; a "computer terminal"; "Clipboard"; and RAM driver. It also included the MS-DOS Executive and a game called Reversi.

Windows evolved over the period, the latest Windows 8 is the master in user interface and cloud connection. Resplendent with app tiles, and robust with OS, is a sure treat for people who like the beauty in sync with computational power.

Here are the 27 amazing facts compiled by Forbes on the occasion of celebrating 27th Windows birthday.