Google's Lethal Weapon against Microsoft, Apple

We’ve done pieces of news about predictions that the smartphone will soon overtake the PC and the laptop, but the fact is that some applications, even some websites just don’t do well on a smartphone. You really need a mouse to navigate, to right-click, to upload and download volumes of data, and having a smartphone just isn’t enough.

This is where Motorola’s big release comes in. Enter: the Motorola Webtop and Atrix smartphone.

For those of you who didn’t hear of it so far, this one technology allows a smartphone to act like a laptop computer when it’s docked on a ‘Lapdock’ device.

Now the full potential of these devices and the technology behind them, can only be fully realized when you see that the Webtop is a software computing platform that shares the linux-base with Android. It also centers around the browser, just like the Chrome OS, according to a report from CNET.

So how does this form a 'lethal' weapon again?