Google & Microsoft's Strategy to be the Rulers in Technology: Imitate Apple

Google earns nothing from Android since it is open source software. Kindle Fire, which uses Android, also doesn’t make money. Google with Nexus priced exactly the same as Fire and offering more features will gain the control over the market and also make money as according to iSuppli, a research firm, Nexus’ manufacturing costs $ 150 and it will be available to customers at $ 199.

Estimated to cost $ 599 and $ 1000 for the pro version, Surface is more likely to make good money if it succeeds in impressing the growing tablet user base. The shipping date and the usability of the attached keyboard are still not known.

With better user experience and a competitive price, will Google’s Nexus and Microsoft’s Surface be able to prove IDC’s prediction? It is very much possible considering that Microsoft Windows 7 powers 42% of the PCs worldwide and most of the tablets and Smartphone run on Android and they are now entering the hardware too.