Golden Principles of Mark Zuckerberg

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 06 February 2012, 15:57 IST   |    1 Comments
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2) Move Fast –

"Moving fast enables us to build more things and learn faster. However, as most companies grow, they slow down too much because they're more afraid of making mistakes than they are of losing opportunities by moving too slowly. We have a saying - 'Move fast and break things.' The idea is that if you never break anything, you're probably not moving fast enough.”

Moving fast at Facebook mostly revolves around ideas for products, which morph into a completely different entity by the end of the project. Facebook Platform enables any software developer of the world to share his/ her idea for an application. Facebook employees enjoy a certain degree of freedom to experiment with this platform, with lesser pressure to succeed, leaving room for errors. Though the Platform team started with only 5 members, its growth was very rapid. The response was tremendous, with over 50,000 people interested in the Platform within hours of its launch. President Obama’s speech on CNN was “the biggest live streaming event in internet history.” Facebook employees believe in trying out newer ideas, “bigger and better” than their competitors.