Fired! What next?

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 24 October 2011, 22:01 IST
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2.Being Too Complacent It is understandable that after getting fired, you need some time to get over the bad news. After handling the bad situation for a few days, it is advisable to get back to serious business and start hunting for new job. Sitting at home and watching television for a week will not solve the problem of monthly domestic bills.
3.Criticizing the employer who fired you Remember if you cannot say something nice, say nothing at all. After getting fired, do not let your hurt feelings provoke you into talking badly about your employer. Never forget that everyone you speak around with has a potential networking contact. You never know what fortune your neighbors might open for you. You are sure to miss the great opportunity if they think you are a bad tempered employee. Hence, keep your emotions under control, before speaking with anyone around.