Fastest Bowler in the Indian Cricket Team

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 27 August 2011, 02:35 IST   |    3 Comments
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The Indian team Management must take care of quick bowlers so that team can retain the consistent bowlers like Aaron for years. The Indian team management have to make sure that Aaron doesn?t suffer from two problems that a few promising fast bowlers have faced in the past. Firstly, that he doesn?t lose his pace and remains the tear away. Secondly, they have to ensure that he isn?t left out in the cold all too soon if he fails to impress. The pacers who have come through in the last 2-3 seasons have not really learned the tricks. Ishant Sharma has become a one dimensional bowler. As he is unable to bowl the outswinger, team must make sure that shouldn?t happen in the case of Aaron.
Aaron begs to differ
Having suffered stress fractures and hamstring injuries already, Aaron doesn't neglect his body and believes that as a pacer it is vital that he keeps strengthening his core. While most bowlers in India complain about wickets being tailor-made for batsmen, Aaron begs to differ. "Agreed that Indian wickets aren't conducive to fast bowling like the ones in England, Australia or South Africa, they have improved over the years and one has to realise that crowds come in to see batsmen score runs," he said. Aaron admires the biggest cricket hero Roberts, the West Indian legend, worships Pakistan great Wasim Akram and also loves Indian Master Blast Sachin Tendulkar.