Emerging Workplace Trends

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Alternatives to PC
Workplace Trends Introduced by Emerging Startups
The popularization of devices like the iPhone and iPad has made many companies to allow their employees to bring in their own devices, instead of providing them with the standardized equipment. People are getting obsessed with gadgets and the changing trends are enabling them to access vital information regardless of the place and time. Many offices are now fine with their employees using their BlackBerries, iPad, iPhones, Android phones, or any device of their choice to work. Wipro for example supports iPhone and iPad for its senior executives and its salesforce, covered under the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) programme, and is planning to extend its services to all its employees, and support other devices like Android and Windows Mango. Citrix pays its employees $2100 to buy a laptop of their choice. Cisco supports platforms like Lenovo ThinkPad tablets, HTC smartphones and tablets, apart from an already existing support for Android, iOS, windows, HP WebOS, and Nokia Symbian.