Does Technology Destroy Jobs?

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 18 November 2011, 00:52 IST   |    22 Comments
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Job loss
Job loss is particularly based on technologies like microelectronics which is increasing for all economic sectors in a nation already hard challenged in world and domestic markets for goods and services. Technology may simply lower the employment growth. These new technologies threaten even more job displacements in the future. Many of the employees are loosing their jobs because they are not been introduced into those technological advancements and they also do not know how to use the new technology. This is the main reason why they are loosing their jobs in huge numbers. The rural workers are getting unemployed in a large number. So, how can these problems of unemployment because of technology can be solved? The only solution to eradicate this problem is that it is the duty of the education system to make the present students aware of the new technology and make them updated about them. And for the people who are already working the companies must conduct training programs to their employees on the new technological innovations.