Do You Fear Your Workplace?

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 12 December 2011, 15:42 IST   |    15 Comments
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Here are few fears that you might have experienced at your workplace:

Do appearance really matters at work place? Actually it shouldn't, but the reality is that most certainly it does matter. Professionals need to be solely judged on their character, skill competencies and performance. But now a days looks matter. The fact is that if your smart looking you can actually bag a job and a heavy package of salary easily says a study. The fear can be over thrown with your self confidence but at the end of the day looks and beauty do matter at your workplace. Some people are so conscious about this that they fear about looking bad or ugly at a workplace which slowly contemplates them feel insecure.

A target oriented job is a fear factor for many employees. Achieving a particular target would be the soul goal of an employee, by which he might forget to keep a check on the quality of his work. The fear of being an under performer or loser grips his mind and makes him stay away from office at times. Some employees take targets as a challenge, but most of them fear it and achieve it through the targets through their fears.At that time they feel stressed and sometimes their work can get even more complicated, as they try to fasten up their work and end up doing mistakes.