Dipping Student Quality at IITs: Who is to be blamed?

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 20 October 2011, 03:08 IST   |    47 Comments
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Chetan Bhagat betrothed in a verbal fight over Murthy's contentious remark on the worsening qualities of IIT students. Criticizing Murthy's comment on the IIT students, Bhagat had claimed, "It is ironic when someone who runs a body shopping company and calls it hi-tech, makes sweeping comments on the quality of IIT students." Five Point Someone's famous writer sparked a new controversy claiming that he had no regret to his "body shop" remark on Infosys. Moreover, Bhagat added, "...why bring the students in to it. Why judge the students? It may even be true that he has something he feels about the quality of the students. But, it's very high-handed. Same way, when I call Infosys a body shop it's high-handed,"
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Kapil Sibal, HRD Minister, refused to pledge to Narayana Murthy's outlook about a hunch in the quality of education in IITs and inclined for creating more such institutes in the country. He said, "We are capable of producing world class institutions like IITs and IIMs and we need to have more of these institutions to reach almost every student capable and aspiring to get into these institutes,". Sibal said the ministry is in the progression of setting up 'National Vocational Educational Qualificational framework' perhaps by next year, so that students can take up courses according to their happiness.26 new institutions are being put up across Mumbai where graphics related courses will be taught. Questioned about the uncertainty on the quota issue, he said, "Quotas are not for creating barriers in the society, but to bridge the same. We have to rationalize our society."