Dealing With Office Politics

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 27 July 2011, 01:16 IST   |    21 Comments
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Stay away from gossip
Gossiping is one of the most dangerous problems in workplace. It's like a disease that does not leave anybody rather it spreads easily. Though gossiping is prohibited in workplace, yet office is the center of gossiping and it's unavoidable, moreover it can also lead to problems in the workplace. Gossip can be fun for the first time, but it can lead to dirty politics later. More you will be away from gossiping, more you will be away from politics. Make sure that you mind only about your work, not what is going around in others life. Stay away from people who gossip and at the same time do not give them any chance to gossip with you. It may end up creating enemy at work.