Criticize Your Boss On FB: Get Fired

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 21 September 2011, 00:56 IST   |    1 Comments
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Even though you take all the careful steps before criticizing your boss, some of your criticisms on your boss on Facebook or any other social networks may end you up in getting fired. Here is a case where an employee got fired from her company as she had criticized her supervisor on facebook.
Dawnmarie Souza
Dawnmarie Souza, an emergency medical technician from American Medical Response of Connecticut Inc, was fired from that company after she abused using vulgar statements on her supervisor in a facebook post. Souza and the supervisor had clashed after the supervisor didn't let a union representative to help her to prepare a response to a customer who had complained on her work. The National Labour Relations Board (NLRB) has come to her rescue saying her firing from the company was illegal as the case could have broad implications for workers' speech rights as applied to social media. But the American Medical Response, argued that it has a policy that bars its employees from depicting their company on Facebook and any other social networks. NLRB is expressing disagreement for that rule and the firing of Souza violates NLR Act, which prohibits employers from punishing workers for discussing working conditions and their complaint also notes that the comment by Souza on facebook triggered supportive responses from her co- workers, as well as additional negative comments were added against supervisors.