Can Mobile Search Be the Next Big Thing?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 15 November 2011, 00:23 IST
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Although the huge and daily growing number of people that have access to the mobile internet, there have also been a number of challenges to mobile web adoption. The reason may be the cost and clarity where the carrier data plans are expensive and confusing compared to regular internet access plans. The limited screen size of mobile negatively impacts the user's browsing experience and due to the limited screen size there will be no ease of use, which leads an increase number of clicks needed to get content.
The increasing availability of high-speed WiFi internet access in many public areas like airport, hotels, bars, libraries and shopping centers has encouraged users to use laptops and tablets to access the internet on the move rather than through mobile phones. This may be another factor, which may have impacted on the growth of mobile internet usages. Despite mobile is the perfect advertising platform in many ways like, it's always with the consumer, it's always on, it provides personal profiling data, it provides location data, it's interactive and it has multiple billing options already built in. Presently the major mobile search is related to the news, entertainment, maps and direction, directory listing and local services.