Can Facebook make you a better college student?

By Kukil Bora, SiliconIndia   |   Friday, 29 April 2011, 03:13 IST   |    25 Comments
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The question, which is being attempted to put forth here is "What impact does social media has on students' college life experience?" As per the study, Facebook users are more likely to be involved in extra-curricular activities in their college campus. Another interesting data showed in the graphic is that Facebook users make far less money while they are in college. They work less hours in a week as compared to non-Facebook users.
Here, student's emotional health comes into play. Although 20 percent of students using Facebook feel social connectedness among themselves, 48 percent of students think they are sadder than their friends. Adding to it, 25 percent of college students show serious depression in their status updates in Facebook. So, not only Facebook, get involved in your college community.