Brutally Murdered U.S. Student's Face Used in Ads in India

Chuck Lovelace, executive director of the Morehead-Cain Scholars Program said “I’m surprised and disappointed that somebody is using Eve’s image in this way,” as reported the News Observer.  He further added “It certainly does not honor Eve or her family, and they would not want it to be used in this way.”

However, it is unclear how many billboards in India or anywhere else have the Carson photograph. The same picture has appeared in many news accounts since 2008.

The News Observer pointed out that it is impossible to know how Carson’s image ended up on the company’s signs. “Was it an intentional act or was it randomly lifted from the Internet?”

According to the Jubeerich website, the company was founded in New Zealand and has a corporate office in Kerala and three other branch offices in India; however there is no contact information for the company in New Zealand.

Since 2008, two men were convicted of Carson’s murder and are now serving life sentences. They kidnapped Carson from her house, and took her in her car so she could get cash from the ATM. They then shot her five times and dumped her body on the streets.