Braille Touch Enables Blind Texting

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 23 February 2012, 01:20 IST   |    1 Comments
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The app makes input methods for them a lot more affordable, by letting them buy and install an app instead of buying a whole device. Moreover, if people took the time to learn the Braille script, which, according to Mario Romero, takes relatively less time, it could save them the trouble of looking down to type. In an interview with CNN, Romero, (a post-doctoral fellow at Georgia Tech's School for Interactive Computing and the lead researcher on a paper about Braille Touch) said “It may be a solution for everybody to get their eyes off their phone so they can walk and text or watch TV and make a comment on a blog,” he said.

According to a report on the LA Times, Romero, said he was able to learn the code in about a week of playing around with the app while walking from his car to his house.

What are the hurdles it faces?