Best and worst questions asked in the job interviews

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 22 July 2011, 00:34 IST
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Do ask: 2. What are the things you do not like to do and don't want to work on? This will make the ideas of the interviewee crystal clear to the HR. What does he/she wants to do and are they capable enough to get hired for the post.
Don't ask: 2. Why do you want to leave the office before you have even seen it? After your interview the HR gets the confidence to hire you he/ she would like you to have a look at the work place at that point of time you should never say 'no', it would create a very bad impression. You can just look through the office and how people work. It's all for your good. It's a good sign when the HR wants you to take a look at the office. No company's HR would be interested to show their office to the candidate whom they don't want to hire.