Beat These Productivity Killers

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 27 December 2011, 02:42 IST   |    5 Comments
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1. Are you healthy?

To be productive, you need to be physically and mentally healthy. Working on the toughest deadline may make you to skip your food. Skipping your meals will not help you to bring out the best in you. ‘To think and to perform you need energy’, - the very lesson every one learnt in the primary school. Yeah, it is not a silly thing to deal. Being healthy also demands your mental ability. Taking much work pressure causes more stress on you. Multitasking is a good deal in many ways, but it should not be putting you in deep stress. According to an earlier report by an international organization, “job stress costs the economy more than $200 billion every year in lowered productivity, absenteeism, compensation claims, health insurance, and medical expenses.”