Are Your Senior Managers Psychopaths?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 00:43 IST   |    19 Comments
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Boddy, the Author of the book, “Corporate Psychopaths: Organizational Destroyers” told that most of the psychopaths are manipulative, cunning as well as they are great at engineering any difficult situations which can put them into trouble and at the same time you will unaware of the fact that you are being manipulated till it gets worse. These psycho managers lack the skill of decision making.

Most of the psychopath managers lack the skill of maintaining a positive attitude towards their work for an extended period of time after they get into that power of ruling. The reason for this may be because that they may have achieved success throughout their professional life in an incredibly destructive manner. While achieving their success they will not hesitate to cause damages to everyone who are around them at the workplace as they carry ‘don’t caring attitude’ with them.