Are You Smarter Than the Average?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 20 December 2011, 02:37 IST   |    6 Comments
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2.  Girls and Men have more IQ,  But Boys and Women

Comparing the maturity level on an average, girls mature faster than boys. At the stage of growing up, girls appear as more intelligent than boys. Dr. Kanazawa reported that after puberty, boys start to dominate with the higher intelligence quotient. He added that it is not because of the sexual difference, but their increased height.  If women could be taller than men, they would have more IQ than men. Men with higher IQ seem more faithful in their sexual relationship.



3. Are you Internet Savvy?

Becoming the fourth utility of human life, Internet has its advantages and disadvantages in the same way. Getting all the information on finger tips, people used to search for the maximum sources to see the accuracy. According to the study conducted by the ‘Imagining the Internet Center’ at Elon University in North Carolina and the Pew Internet and American Life project, Internet will probably enhance the human intelligence.  "Three out of four experts said our use of the Internet enhances and augments human intelligence, and two-thirds said use of the Internet has improved reading, writing and the rendering of knowledge," said study Co-Author Janna Anderson, Director of the Imagining the Internet Center.