Are Men Better Self Promoters?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 18 October 2011, 22:27 IST   |    1 Comments
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Jessica Kleiman, reports in Forbes that, according to experts, we are still living in a world where being aggressive is a compliment when referring to a man and an insult when it describes his female counterpart. Women spend more time praising others' contributions than their own because self-promotion makes them uncomfortable. Moreover the corporate environment that offers much more latitude to men and where the bar is much higher for women.
men v/s women
Companies also should make a commitment to women's advancement by holding managers accountable for promoting women and actively measuring their progress. There should not be any unintentional bias into performance review systems in any organizations. Of the Fortune 500 companies, only 14 percent of the companies are run by female CEOs. Women have no problem being straightforward and assertive with their partners and children. But is it hard for them to act the same way at workplace? Women should also tell their boss what they are worth of. We would like to ask our viewers. Are men better self promoters? Let us know about your opinion.