Android Apps for Indian Entrepreneurs

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 07 February 2012, 01:18 IST   |    2 Comments
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2) City Navigators –

Various City Navigators are available on Android in India. A few of them are – MapmyIndia and Garmin City Navigator India. MapmyIndia is the most-selling portable navigation device in India. MapmyIndia has launched India’s first portable 3D navigator,  Zx250. Such city navigators help people to get elaborate details of road maps and areas of concern. These navigators are so detailed that even little nooks, corners and turns of various streets are given. Speed categories and turn restrictions are also displayed by this app. Primary metropolitan areas are covered by this app. NAVTEQ, a leading provider of high quality digital map data, empowers this app. It covers about 70 major cities of India, like Delhi and Mumbai. National Highway (NH) No.7 (from Varanasi to Hyderabad) and NH No.8 (from Delhi to Mumbai) are vastly covered by this app. More than 400,000 focal points are displayed through this app, namely – banks and ATMs, hotels, restaurants, shopping complexes and many more.