A Quiet Entrepreneur, Always a Powerful Entrepreneur

A Quiet Entrepreneur, Always a Powerful Entrepreneur

Expressiveness holds a great value in the society and it is also considered as one of the best ways to impress people. But the parameter which can make you an inspiration for the society can also stoop you way low among your peers, if you are not careful about how to handle it. It is a common notion that people who speak a lot and about a lot of stuffs are generally intelligent. So when you go on speaking, people would take you for a highly intellectual person and the next time when you have a personal conversation with one of the listeners and do not stand up to their opinion, it can horribly spoil your image.

As a famous urban saying goes, “it is better to keep quiet and let people wonder if you are dumb, than actually speaking out to prove their speculation right.” Hence, speak less but speak well as speech is not the only way of expressing. Express you feelings with your work, your attitude and use the verbal mode of communication only when it is really required. Speaking less also saves a lot of energy that you can instead implement in more useful things. And take it as a compliment when someone tells you that you are a quiet person, because quietness is a power within every person and speech is just the dissipation of it. So save the power and use it in the right means.