Yahoo! India to take internet education programme to schools

Friday, 17 June 2011, 00:39 IST
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Bangalore: Yahoo! India, the leading digital media company, plans to take its 'Learn with Yahoo' programme to schools in the near future. Yahoo! India Senior Director (Marketing) Nitin Mathur told newspersons here that based on the findings of internal research, the company chose an educative route to help users discover the power of the internet and started its 'Learn with Yahoo programme', which is running across 2,500 cyber cafes across India and 185 in UP. "The programme has received an encouraging response from people in the first phase and now in the second phase, it would be run in schools also," Mathur said, adding that the plan is at a preliminary stage and details like the eligibility of schools have to be worked out. Priority would, however, be given to schools having computer education, he said. "Our internal research indicated that new users are keen to learn more about the internet, specially when it comes to surfing the internet from their mobile. The research also indicated that 55 per cent of these new internet users begin their online journey at cyber cafes," he said.
Source: PTI