Unending Support To Anna Hazare By Indian Americans

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 22 August 2011, 18:33 IST   |    1 Comments
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Unending Support To Anna Hazare By Indian Americans
Fremont: India Against Corruption is a citizen's movement that is lending complete support to Anna Hazare's campaign against corruption. They are protesting along with Anna Hazare to get the Jan Lokpal bill introduced and passed in the parliament. The volunteers of India Against Corruption, New Jersey participated in the protest at the United Nations and also in the March of India day parade. The team organized a fast on the 20 August and 21 August near chowpatti restaurant 1351 Oak Tree Road, Iselin, New Jersey. The volunteers were roped in white with Anna topi and marked the fast with patriotic songs and bhajans. They also signed in an affidavit to support the Jan Lokpal bill. This event was sponsored by India Business Association (IBA). Kiran Desai, advisor to IBA, expressed his support for the youth organizing the fasting by participating in the two days fast. He said that this was the time the entire country was coming together to support Anna Hazare and that this was truly a second freedom struggle. The volunteers supported Anna Hazare with slogans like Vande Maataram, Bharat Mata ki jai.