Text Message Bullying: A New Threat to U.S. Kids

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 23 November 2011, 22:25 IST
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Bangalore: According to a study published in Pediatrics, U.S. kids are facing more text-message bullying rather than cyber bullying.

A survey conducted in 2008 among 1,500 middle school and high school teens, it was found that 24 percent of them has been “harassed” by texting, like spreading rumors, making mean comments, or threatening them, which is a 14 percent rise from the 2006 data. Outright bullying, which is being repeatedly picked on, has raised to 8 percent from 6 percent, which was a year before.

As told to Reuters by Researcher, Michele L. Ybarra, of Internet Solutions for Kids Inc. in San Clemente, California; “There is a need of more attention to be paid on Children’s text-messaging, but the parent’s need not be alarmed. This is not a reason to become distressed or take kids' cell phones away. The majority of kids seem to be navigating these new technologies pretty healthfully.”

Despite all the worries about online bullying, almost two-thirds of teenagers in the social networking site say that their peers are very kind, stated by a study conducted by ‘Pew Internet’ and ‘American Life Project.’

But the increase in text message bullying is still reason for caution. Most Kids carry cell phones wherever they go, and hence harassment can reach them anytime. Parents also keep eye on facebook paged or email accounts but cannot counter check the cell phones. Kids don’t find anyone to guide and defend them and thus they can’t escape these threats and teasing and become more distressed and depressed.

“Meanness and bullying are still much more likely to occur face-to-face,” David Finkelhor, who directs the crimes against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, said.