Do You Have Toxic Colleagues Around You?

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 12 September 2011, 23:44 IST   |    6 Comments
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How many of you have faced difficulties with your colleagues? Well, almost everyone has gone through such situation working with difficult co workers. Workplace is the place where you have to spend most of your times and more than your family and friends, we spend more times with our co workers. We can choose our friends and job, but we cannot choose our colleagues, and if you are not lucky enough you have to bear such irritating colleagues, reports Forbes. Here are some types of colleagues we found in every workplace The Big Mouth
big mouth
'There's a difference between working with friends and making friends with the people you work with,' says Julia Sommerfeld, TODAY's senior editor. Moreover it's very hard to trust our colleagues especially who has a habit of talk so much. They tend to spread your secrets to others easily. It's better to keep your personal issues with you than to share with your big mouth colleague, or else it could be worse than posting on social network.

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