Best Job Tweeters That Job Seekers Can Follow

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 02 December 2011, 01:02 IST   |    18 Comments
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Bangalore: In this fast and competitive world, there is a tough competition in all the fields of profession. For this reason many of the job seekers are finding different ways to find a good job they are looking into alternatives for their career suggestions. Before, people use to take advice regarding their careers with their friends, teachers and other people who were well versed in any particular field.

But the trend has taken a new turn now. There are many social networking sites like twitter, facebook which have started to guide people on their jobs. They help people by giving career advices that are very helpful for job hunters.

Twitter, which had debuted six years ago, is giving good career advices through its site. When this social networking started it was considered as yet another pointless addition in this overcrowded networking world. After that the users of this site proved its worth to the people who were nonbelievers.

Well now, many of us tweet for fun, but twitter is proving to be wealth of information for some of the people for their job search and helping them to advance in their careers. Many of the tweeters provide good career advices, suggestions for searching the job etc.

So here are the best tweeters who give good advices for the job seekers:

Adrienne Waldo, a New York based writer, consultant and blogger made name for herself when she began blogging about generation Y. The main reason why a job hunter must follow her advice is that because while advising Waldo uses her own experiences to let followers know what the employers are thinking and they expect the employee to be. Her advices are in the way that as though some one is in the same shoes as many of her equally young Twitter followers.

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