9 More Privacy Options On Facebook

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 23 September 2011, 00:47 IST   |    1 Comments
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Facebook's privacy has lined up a gearshift that lets users edit their privacy settings in the same place they edit profile information and post status updates. Earlier, Facebook required users to edit their profile information in one place by clicking "Edit Profile" and edit privacy settings in another, but now with the new inline controls, users can do both at the same place. For example, a user can now use a drop down menu to the right of their music section to check out users having access to their profile information, and, if they choose, they can change who can see these details. These inline controls are also coming to status updates. There is now an icon and label to help make it easier to understand and decide whom you are sharing with. Moreover, when you tag someone, the viewers tag will automatically update to show that the person tagged and their friends can see the post. Added to it, users will be able to change who can see something they have posted using the inline controls.